Magnetic Fertilizer Granules ®
- 308 lei/kg
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Effects & applications
Multicomponent magnetic fertilizer strengthens the magnetic and energetic field around plants and is for agriculture for both grain and viticulture crops, fruit shrubs, fruit growing, vegetables, and flower growing. It is environmentally friendly, cheap and efficient.
By consuming the fruits with magnetic fertilizer it was found the human balance through the energetic regeneration of the organs.
The grapes have been considerably reduced by the raking of the grains, to the trees attacked by the caterpillars, and in 2-3 days they have disappeared, by increasing the tree defense system stimulated by the magnetic fertilizer.
The grain was obtained from 12-14 cm wheat spelled with 40-50 grains of spice, considered the largest wheat spice in the world , compared to the 7-9 cm control with 28-35 berries on spice. In corn without irrigation, roasting or auxiliary fertilizer, a gain of 30-40% / cobs was obtained. In the alfalfa, an increase and density of over 30% was observed.
Vegetable crops – tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes – saw a 30% production increase (Curtici area). In the growing season, the month of May the plants increased by 2-2.5 cm / day as compared to 1-1.5 cm / day in the control plants.
To wilted plants and flowers, they came back in a few days. The flowering of the flowering process is kept 2-3 months, compared to 2-3 weeks in the control flowers (tests at SC Hofigal Bucharest and Timisoara).
The pests (mice, crows) have not attacked crops like the witness batches.
In the desertification areas (Slatina area), by application of magnetic fertilizer on the soil, after rain or irrigation, the soil has kept its humidity for 3 days, compared to the blank field, which after 2-3 hours was dry.
The magnetic fertilizer manages to harmonize the molecular structure of the soil. Applied to drinking water wells, gutters and water pipes by adapting the magnetic fertilizer into plastic boxes or bags in them (CCA 100 -200 gr) has hexagonally restructured water molecules, raised the vibrational water level to indigo , animal benefit being visible, 20% increase, improved milk taste, miraculous healing of diseased animals; is also applicable to poultry farms.
- Composition: The fertilizer contains magnetic elements with a wide spectrum of frequency, paramagnetic elements, semiprecious stones, special oxides and fasteners. Each granule is a quantum micro amplifier.
- Patent of Invention No. 123657 from 30.05.2016
- Made by S.C. Davidoni – Invent SRL Davidoni – Magnetic Products (Registered Trademark)
Product description
The multicomponent magnetic fertilizer is totally nonsense. It does not dissolve in the earth. It is a product that works in the energy spectrum of plants. Approximately 80 cm (blue-indigo) plasma globule is formed around a magnetic fertilizer granule, with the ability to reduce radioactivity in the soil and around plants by 40%.
Plants having the red aura – orange, 50 years ago were blue aura, and the radioactive elements have a gray aura. Higher aura infusion releases stress plants, returning to the original aura.
The increase of up to 1400% of terpinolens, 800% of the occurrences, 1200% of fruit debris (living compounds that prolong human life), anthocyanins – 30% vitamin complex with positive effect on human vision (tests on plantations and laboratories SC Hofigal – Bucharest, USAMV Timisoara, Institute of Analytical Instrumentation Cluj, Quantmed Cluj), increase the sugars by 30% on fruits, the fruit taste and smell reappears at the initial level several decades ago.

Magnetic fertilizer is part of the range of inventions for Planetary Medicine. Climate change in the last decades is visible and requires urgent measures to counteract the effects of pollution: electromagnetic (this has increased 400 million times over 1900, the growth rate has been over the past two decades, with the development of mobile telephony, GSM antennas) combustion, etc., with negative effects on the plasma (aura), the plant, the fruit and even the human body. The plasma body plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of minerals, vitamins and living compounds (terpinene, honey, etc.) of the fruit.
As a first example, the iron concentration / 100 gr spinach 50 years ago was 150 mg. Actual, due to pollution, 100 grams of spinach has 2 milligrams of iron. The invention has been achieved by the inventor John Davidoni after decades of experimentation having an experience of 40 years in medicine, Tibetan and 33 years of experience in the industrial metrology, with more than 1,000 technical solutions – inventive in which 350 made virtually the innovation, invention and technical solutions.
More about the magnetic fertilizer can be found in the article below.
The qualities of magnetic fertilizer, confirmed by analyzes
The inventor of the magnetic fertilizer, Tomisan Ioan Davidoni, told AGERPRES on Monday that last week, the Laboratories of the Chemistry Institute in Cluj confirmed the ability to regenerate the cells and regulate the functions of the diseased organs in the bodies that consumed redcurrants grown in soils treated with magnetic fertilizer.
He says that the studies were performed with the latest generation equipment, respectively, with gas chromatograph, spectrophotometer and spectrometer.
“These currant fruits have been subjected to analyzes, and it has been found that it regenerates the cell and energises the diseased organs of the body if they are ingested. Until now, it was not known how it works” said Davidoni.
According to the inventor, four samples were carried out: on fruits treated with magnetic fertilizer, magnetic octagon placed in shrub bushes, multicomponent fertilizer fertilizers, and non-fertilized fruit. “It is known that because of the high radioactivity in the environment, the iron concentration has fallen to all fruits and plants. For spinach, for example, it has fallen from 150 mg / kg to 2 mg / kg over the last 40 years. In currant, fruit without fertilizer had 9 mg / kg, and fertilizer-treated increased by 60% to 15 mg / kg”, Davidoni explained.
He mentions the fact that twenty measurements were made, reminding them of the most important ones: volatile chemicals (volatile chemicals from the smell and taste of the fruit), which increased from 100 mg / kg to 1,200 mg / kg , the terpines (fruit smell) increased from 100 mg / kg to 1,398 mg / kg and meta-felandrenes, which increased from 100 mg to 1,129 mg / kg.
“All specialists said they were living compounds that ensure the regeneration of the body and the rejuvenation of human organic cells”, said “the man with ideas.”
Ioan Davidoni argues that if Romania sells the licenses of local inventors, the country would pay off its debts within a year. The inventor of Timisoara, distinguished with numerous gold and silver medals at the International Inventions Salons in Brussels, Geneva, Hanover or Zagreb, has a theory on which he bases his claims.
“There are over 300 states in the world, half of them could buy the magnetic fertilizer, because each country has a small agricultural area. A license is sold with amounts ranging between 40 and 500 million euros. the magnetic fertilizer could be sold to about 200 states, even at the lowest price, respectively, to 40 million euros license. in addition, the domestic market could be marketed, even in detail, per kilogram, because everybody has a flower at home, “said John Davidoni.
Although the fruits of his intelligence are recognized in the world, Davidoni considers himself ignored in the country by people who – he says – either do not understand the importance of his discoveries or do not want to get involved.
Now, the inventor of Fagget has ordered to make five tons of magnetic fertilizer for vineyards of an Austrian businessman and a 17.5 tons one that he wants to buy an entrepreneur from Bacau. John Davidoni began studying this organic fertilizer in 2006, experimenting with the three types of fertilizer (crystalline, liquid and multicomponent granules).
He argues that vegetables and fruits grown in soils treated with such generic “magnetic” fertilizers are not harmful to the human body because they contain nothing toxic, the purity of the elements inside is 98% natural elements, a much higher percentage superior to the meteoric stone, which has only 57% purity – and what is the active element that oscillates on this fertilizer.
“The results of the analyzes in Cluj are a confirmation of my theories, which bring not only moral gratification, but also the right to put it in trade, as well as the power and the force to persuade the population to use this fertilizer. There are a few countries who have just heard of my fertilizer, and in 30 days they have put it into production, “the inventor points out.
The fact that there is not much value in the country for this invention is interpreted by John Davidoni, first of all, that a lack of national consciousness and remarked that this is only happening to us: “a man who is medalist at Salons International Inventions to be disregarded in their own country. To devour, so thirsty and zealous values. “
“There is legislation in all countries of the world against the prevention of the activity of an inventor in any form whatsoever as an anti-national act. in Romania, there is no legislation to protect the inventors against jackals thoroughly, “says the inventor electronist, disappointed.
Davidoni paid his own pockets of experiments, the first sponsorship of which he received for the 9 million-dollar organic fertilizer from a private company.
Study on wheat fertilization with Davidoni magnetic fertilizer (2015-2016)
The aim of this study is to test the influence of Davidoni magnetic fertilizer on wheat variety Boema.
The experiment was established in the fall of 2015 at the Moara Domnească didactic farm, Ilfov county, a farm belonging to the Belciugatele Didactic and Experimental Station within the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest.
The farm is located at a distance of 15 km from the city of Bucharest, in the geographical region “Romanian Plain”, in a transit area where there is both steppe vegetation and forest vegetation. The characteristic soil type is reddish-brown mole, with a loamy-clayey texture, low in nitrogen, medium phosphorus content, very good potassium content, slightly acidic pH, low values for humus.
Four technological variants have been established, according to the location scheme.

Placement scheme of the experimental variants 2015-2016 wheat variety Boema
The forerunner was alfalfa. The land was prepared in the summer by plowing to a depth of 25 cm. In autumn, the land was worked with a disc harrow, then followed by chemical fertilization with complex fertilizer NPK 18-46-0 – 200kg / ha, on technological variants (according to the location scheme). The incorporation of fertilizers in the soil was done through a work with the combine.
The sowing was carried out on 05.10.2015 with a seed rate of 270 kg / ha, from the Romanian variety Boema. The culture entered the winter twinned and well ended (see photo).

In the spring (31.03.2016) the wheat was chemically fertilized with ammonium nitrate 150 kg / ha and magnetically fertilized with Davidoni fertilizer 10 kg / ha on experimental variants. During the vegetation period, chemical weed control and two treatments for disease and pest control were performed on all experimental variants.

The samples were collected from the field on variants on 28.06.2016 (see photo).

The experiment was conducted in non-irrigated land conditions, but there was sufficient rainfall in the spring-summer of 2016. It should be noted that before the field sampling, about three weeks, the strong wind associated with rain led to the fall of plants in proportion. of 35 – 40%, making it difficult to collect samples. The fallen plants also influenced to some extent the final results of the variants. The data of the obtained results are entered in table 1.

From the analysis of table 1 it is found that for variant V3 where only the magnetic fertilization with Davidoni fertilizer 10 kg / ha was made, the biological production obtained (without losses by harvesting) was quite significant – 6450 kg / ha, without resorting to fertilizers. chemicals, which are much more expensive and chemically pollute the environment. It is noted that for this variant the highest MMB (mass of one thousand grains) is also obtained – 38.77g (the results regarding the baking indices for each variant fall within the attributions of Mr. Mircea Ioan Popescu).
It seems that good agricultural production can be obtained without the input of chemical fertilizers or with low intake, but the major conclusions must be drawn after several years of experimentation, conclusions that must be accompanied by an economic calculation.
As a precursor plant, alfalfa is very good, leaving the soil well supplied with nitrogen, but other plants also enter the rotation, which are commonly found in crop rotations in wheat cultivation areas in Romania.
To continue the study started in autumn 2015, wheat was sown again on the same surface (year II), and next year wheat was sown in the first year after corn, still following the response of wheat plants to magnetic fertilization compared to chemical fertilization (the same variants to which we added an unfertilized variant) and also the response to the precursor plant.
- The fertilizer has an effect on the soil for a period of 7 years.
- It is applied by spreading on the surface of the soil in a manner similar to the manual sowing of the wheat. The required quantity is 10 kg / ha.
- The trees are applied to the covering surface of the canopy, respecting the surface per 1 ha and about 20-30 gr. (One spoon) of fertilizer on a 8 m crown.
- For flower pots, apply 5-6 beads per 1kg pot of soil; at the rectangular terrace pots, 20-30 grains.
- It can be applied at any time of the year.
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Customer Reviews
- Marilena F. FacebookI want to show you how I use Magnetic Fertilizer from you for water. I stuck granule bags on a large jar. And I bought a transparent hose and put granules in it and spiraled over the jar. Maybe everyone does and has energized water. I’m sending you a picture so you can show other people. I want to tell you that Pyramid and other products have started working. For some years I could only sleep with tea, and now I have 3 weeks since I no longer take sleeping teas. To me this is clear evidence. I have a good condition, even if it lasts until I get to perfect. What has been disturbed in decades I cannot claim to recover in a few days. These devices are wonderful. I didn’t think it would be this way. Even my puppy seemed to be rejuvenated. Thank you and wish you a wonderful day! October 2019
- Daniel M. SuceavaI’m at your third order on your site. I am very pleased and very pleased with your products. Quantum Pyramid I use it in the car for reduced consumption. But my driving status is different. I don’t get tired so easily when driving long distances. My dad is really excited about Magnetic Fertilizer . Now I have ordered the Quantum Amplifier set. Thank you very much! March 2020
- Marian C. Râmnicu VâlceaLast year I placed your order for 1 kg of Magnetic Fertilizer . I wanted to test myself in a greenhouse. Do you know what the novel is like? The effects are extraordinary. I have already told all my neighbors and all my friends. Now I want to order 3 kg of Magnetic Fertilizer. Thank you! March 2020
- Flutur S. SuceavaI bought more products from you Quantum Pyramid is great! It has a very beneficial effect when it is in our house. And Magnetic Fertilizer had an unexpected effect. I received from an neighbor an exotic plant that never bloomed on it, and I put some granules of Magnetic Fertilizer and it made a very beautiful flower. Thank you very much!December 10, 2019
- Mariana T.I received the package, I already use the products. I’m delighted, the flower pots are already benefiting from the energy boost of Magnetic Fertilizer . Thank you very much! Success in this noble activity! God help you awaken this people! Long and prosperous life!
- Mircea T.(Facebook)I bought many of the products invented by Mr. Davidoni. I am very pleased. We also bought Magnetic Fertilizer , it’s fantastic! I can not wait to buy the Quantum Pyramid. All respect for the Davidoni family!
- Florentina A.AradI found you sure at the right time (nothing is happening, I know that) through the radio station – Timisoara, one morning in April 2016. From the moment I heard with my husband about you, I they were convinced that everything you do is beneficial and, in fact, what we are looking for without knowing it … We already have the energizing mask, magnetic octagons, magnetic fertilizer for plants, and the anti-radar screen. mobile phones. Thank God for the gift He made to us through you, and I wish you strength, health and gratitude so that we can continue to work for our good for all!
- Nenad S.TimișoaraI’m Nenad S. Lucian, I still want to write to you, but all the time there was something. A few months ago I bought the magnetic fertilizer from me, I mean it’s great, I’m sorry I did not buy earlier, but I think it all happens for a purpose and at the right time . I have spread fertilizer to the fruit trees (to the trees and the ivy that I have put twice), through the garden, the trees of the street, the flowers and the grass in front of the house. The first effect I saw in the flowers and ivy, the flowers grew green, the green greens turned green, then the ivy from leaves approx. 2cm as they have so far, have grown as much as the palm, unbelievably. I also gave my grandparents, scattered in the garden and they noticed how much rose spinach, sea and an intense green, extraordinary taste, also observed the flowers are healthier. The tomatoes in the garden are much larger than in the neighbors, the onions like the fist, it’s so nice to see how everything grows with their eyes. I’ll stop here, the idea is that all of your products have an effect, I’m very excited that the inventor is Romanian and I’m proud of that. Another product is the quantum enhancer that reduces consumption and can say that at least once a month they make a 400 km road the same day, I can say it’s a pleasure to drive, I’m not so tired when I get home. With the amplifier and so it consumes little but I tried a different type of economist and in combination with your economist is extraordinary, we made a test a few months ago on a 400 km road and went out a consumption of 3.7 l / 100 km awesome, the car is a diesel. I wish you much health, happiness and fulfillment in everything you do to the whole family. With esteem and respect, Nenad S.
- J.L.Movileni de TecuciI bought the Magnetic Fertilizer from you last year. You said you failed to test the pepper culture. We managed to do it. On the lot where I gave Magnetic Fertilizer I had 415 grams of pepper, and on the control lot, without fertilizer, I had paprika that three pieces had 350 grams. We are very pleased, I said to all our neighbors, and now we want to order a few kg.
- Adrian M.Melbourne, AustraliaMr. Davidoni, I watched Youtube show with Mr. General Emil Strainu, for whom I have a great admiration, his show is great. The Magnetic fertilizer is a fantastic idea and invention!
- Prof. Phillip S.Tests made for one year, 2016-2017, of the magneto-quantum fertilizer of the Romanian inventor Davidoni Ioan, were a real success.
- Bogdan M. BrașovI bought from you 1 kg of magnetic fertilizer and I still can’t believe what extraordinary effects I got with my apartment plants. I am very pleased. I will buy the other products because I am curious what effects they have on me. Thanks!
- Emeric D. SUA Magnetic Fertilizer is great for the fridge, keeping food fresh longer. I am observing avocado fruits. They are no longer brown. They keep green even after you cut them. Unbelievable how long they stay cool with magnetic fertilizer! None of the vegetables in the vegetable box were damaged. Why is this happening? It could be a product to keep food fresh longer.
- Andrei C. BrașovWhen do you expect to have Magnetic Fertilizer again? Even if I didn’t send feedback, thank you every time I see healthy and vigorous plants! May God give you joy in all that you do good!July 7, 2020
- L. Stan BucureștiI’m writing to share my experiences with your products. A connection has been created between me and the pyramid from the very first moment. After picking her up from the courier, as we went up the stairs, I told her how excited I was that she arrived and immediately an inner voice said to me: Yes, but you didn’t pay me! I redid the calculations and, indeed, I had given the courier less than 100 lei. For the first two days I felt it very strongly, then I think the energies harmonized and the aura stabilized. I’m really curious how it was before and how it is now. The most intense sensations I have are inner peace and mental clarity. No matter how much meditation and healing in meditation I did before, I did not get this result. I also have radiation screens, quantum amplifier, octogram, insoles and fertilizer from you. After the pyramid, we saw the most visible results in fertilizer . It’s something incredible, before I couldn’t have houseplants and now I grow as much as Handsome Boy, in a month as in 7. I saw on Facebook a recording of a show with Mr. Davidoni, in which he expresses his sadness about the fact that there are people who dispute these things. In my opinion, it should not be, because a saved soul can save, in turn, another 300 souls. At least that’s what I learned in the meditations I do. In this sense, his contribution is much greater than seen. Also, a person who is born with certain limitations remains so. Unfortunately, there are too many people who think that if they can’t see something with their physical eyes, it means that they don’t exist or, I think, that they created themselves or are arrogant enough to believe that we are alone in space. And the list goes on. Since we knew the results of your products, I recommend them to all those who need and have open channels to receive such help. Speaking of channels, I was impressed when I heard from Mr. Dvidoni that the percentage of open channels with the Divinity can be measured. May God give you health and strength!2020
- Sorin T. FacebookI used Magnetic Fertilizer for the trees in the garden of the house, as well as for the flowers. Excellent results! Congratulations! February 2021
- Lavinia P. I received the book today, and I can’t let it go. It is fascinating what is around us and we can not see with the naked eye, but even more fascinating is that among us is a man like Mr. Davidoni. It is a gift of God for the Earth and for Romania and, I am sure, it was not by chance that he was allowed to come to this country, this being an earth loved by God. Regarding the Banderola I recently purchased, I want to tell you that in the first Theta meditation in which I wore it, when I accessed the state of Theta, my therapist said that she was amazed by the light it emanates. Banderola and that he had never seen such a strong and beautiful light before. I use it with the Golden Pyramid to create light portals in order to bring light entities to me and to help low-vibration ones, if any, to leave. My energy has increased a lot and I have a clear and clear mind. I think I’m fine with the aura now, I’m sure it’s at least blue. The main purpose for which I purchased Banderola is to learn and memorize for a difficult exam. Seeing different exercises in the book, I came up with the idea to ask you if there is such a one for memorization. Sure, only if you can answer me and I hope I didn’t bother with this question. PS: Your fertilizer has made my vegetables the envy of everyone this year. The neighbors didn’t even have flowers with them and I already had the fruits in full development. Thank you and I wish you a wonderful day. 2021
- Florin D.BucureștiDavidoni products are unique in the world and the benefits brought to the user are innumerable, some obsessing me are increased energy level resulting in a permanent state of well-being. Fertilizer is magical, for example I have two plots of grass in the yard, the one on which I put the fertilizer is 20-30cm and the one without fertilizer up to 5cm. This year we will use it for vegetables from the greenhouse. All products help to the maximum and used together create an oasis of energy in any home. After applying the Anti-Radiation Screen to the phone, the person who used the phone for calls for several consecutive hours a day noticed the absence of headaches and the absence of excessive heat on the side of the head where the mobile was used. I recommend using it as a prevention or as an amelioration of various unpleasant situations. Mr. Davidoni your products should be in every home on the planet! I’m glad you’re with us and thank you for your efforts.2023
- Daniel V.CorabiaI have already been using the magnetic fertilizer for 2 years. I am very satisfied. I have a solarium where I use it, and in addition to the positive changes in the soil and production, I noticed that without using other chemicals I got rid of the pests that were in the solarium. They simply disappeared. Thank you!2024