Quantum Banner – Brain Reconnecter – natural leather ®
- 618 lei/piece 432,60 lei/piece
- Warranty: 2 years.
- The shipping is done with payment on delivery. It takes 3 to 4 days to process an order. For this product the transportation is FREE! This offer is valid only on Romanian territory.
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Effects & applications
It can restore the 27 layers of Aura to the level of the 27 Multilevel Existences of the Universe, until the 1960s man had these 27 layers of Aura.
It can reduce Electrosmog accumulated by years of exposure, ensures the harmony of the human Microcosm with the Macrocosm, ensures the loading and regeneration of cells with energy, peace of mind is installed and breathing becomes deep, oxygenating cells, remove carbon dioxide from the blood, ensure a state of serenity and inner and harmonious peace, bring entities of Light to man, increase human spirituality.
- Quantum armband dimensions: width: 2cm, length: 65cm.
- Quantum foil: 14 ingredients, leather interior – 1.5cm.
- Ingredients: Three groups of precious and semi-precious stones, three groups of special oxides (titanium, zinc, magnesium), three groups of noble metals, three groups of special elements, Qi resonators Cosmic, magnetic and paramagnetic elements, a total of 14 ingredients. All in optimal resonance concentrations with each other and with respect to human cells and the active elements in the environment -Prana- negative ions, etc. established by approx. 1.2 million initiation measurements in over 30 years of assiduous research at the level of passion and planetary consciousness. The atom being the love for the CREATOR and MAN.
- It has an aura with a diameter of 50m, 27 layers of aura, it includes all 7 colors of aura of the light spectrum, the outer layer is purple-lavender.
- Products by S.C. Davidoni-Invent SRL
- Inventor: Davidoni Ioan
- This product is not a medical device or a medicine! It does not treat or cure diseases! It does not replace the medicines prescribed by the doctor or his instructions. This product, as described in CBI – OSIM, acts on human energy fields. The use of this product, due to the special ingredients in the composition, ensures the harmonization of energy fields generating a state of well-being. This product belongs to the Wellness Products class!
Product description
Environmental situation. Achieving an unprecedented level of pollution on EARTH – 10 billion times the increase in electromagnetic pollution compared to the initial level in 1900 AD, reducing the number of layers of human aura and fauna from 27 layers to 4-7 layers due to EMG pollution, but also radioactive (Chernobyl, Fukushima), radioactive waste containers dumped in the oceans, through currents reaching negative information all over the planet, nuclear experiments, etc., led to the emergence of new diseases not only in humans, but also in animals and vegetation. The planet with everything on it is suffering and often demands its rights through plagues and pandemics. R. Steiner: “Any disturbance of the planetary anomaly by man, leads to the revenge of the Planet on us through plagues …”
To meet them, each of us must do something to protect our House – EARTH.
Some information from insiders
Initiated T.Ioviță – California, USA – 15.04.2021
I, Teodor Ioviță, the representative of Davidoni products in the USA, received the news of an extremely successful experiment (unforeseen for the purpose for which these products were made) performed by Dr. Mark Gustafson in a clinic in Nebraska. Quantum Bander – Davidoni Quantum Cell Regenerator was applied to the head of a Parkinson’s patient. An incredible phenomenon has occurred! In about 3 minutes the patient stopped shaking! I asked Dr. Mark, “How did you react anyway?” He said: “Because she stopped shaking, I started shaking. One of the nurses was left with coffee in her hand and the other with the plug in her hand for a few minutes.” The owner of the Clinic said: “Neither now nor in my next life did I expect such a thing, although inside I knew that such a thing was possible, but I did not know where it would come from!” Although all those who witnessed the experiment described the experience, the response of those around them was: “If this is true, it is the greatest medical experience of the last 100 years, it is something truly miraculous, the inventor deserves the Nobel Prize. “
The precedent once created is valid anywhere. I have already communicated the results of several doctors I work with and the experiments will start everywhere. We will now experiment in a renowned Parkinson’s clinic here in California. It was decided to experiment with video evidence. This is the only way we can prove to the whole world the genius of the great man Ioan Davidoni and his products! It’s only a matter of time from now.
I mention that Dr. Mark Gustafson has in his office a device that measures human vitality, he told me that his whole life did not exceed 20% energy, after wearing the quantum cell regenerator on his head for 2 days, energy increased to 80%. Also, for the first time in his life, he was able to run 10 miles (16 km) in over 50 years, without getting tired. He also managed 4 series of floats of 40 floats per series. – 11.04.2021
I got the news last night. A 21-year-old girl using the quantum regenerator started talking, although in all these 21 years she did not! But he only wore the regenerator for one day!
I was shocked! Dr. Mark Gustafson told me that the girl wants to call me and talk to me as proof of that! He basically wants to thank me and thank you Mr. Davidoni !!!
It’s basically an incredible fact! After the regenerator stopped the nervous tremor caused by Parkinson’s disease last week! Anyway, Dr. Mark’s voice was actually shaking. We decided to take a video interview with both people. Something natural we ask and they answer with their words. As is pure reality. We will upload everything to the Davidoni US sales site and send you this proof. Dr. Mark says, “I’m a biotherapist, a physiotherapist, a phytotherapist, but all my life I’ve never had them practice such results in patients.” He considers it an unprecedented fact in the USA.
Everything has already reached at least 100 doctors. They will use the cameras from the start to obtain this evidence and will monitor the video and even the equipment used. Basically, they know that here in the USA, the support of medical effects without evidence is strictly supervised by the FBI. Basically, we want to work with you, but in an American style, to scientifically and pertinently expose these medical cases with unprecedented results!
You managed, Mr. Davidoni, with the latest product created, Brain Reconnector, to cause a shock! We are amazed, excited, some even scared to the limit. Everything, absolutely everything I tell you will have video evidence. We failed to mobilize as we should. Why? Because on the first day the patient who used the brain reconnector stopped the nervous tremor caused by Parkinson’s disease, her 21-year-old daughter only used it for a day and started talking! It’s about Donna Gonzales. After another day the girl said: “It is a miracle to move my stiff fingers and start to feel them! What is happening now in our family is a miracle brought to our house by a man blessed by God who invented this product ! Not all our tears of happiness are enough! It’s a miracle, this product is no longer medicine, it’s much more than that! “
I called the family doctor, who also had vision problems. He sent the nurse after the product. The moment she put her brain reconnector on her head, being more cautious and under the influence of the effects already reported, the nurse made a video with the phone. In non-medical terms, the disease that the doctor had is called “spider vision” meaning that although you see around, sometimes everything is blurred, contains spots, shadows and lines. I don’t think the nurse or the doctor, starting to discuss a professional topic, expected it. Looking over a medical file and being caught talking, the doctor exclaimed: “I have clear vision!”. The nurse was stunned! Mr. Davidoni, it was a shock. Because it’s only a few minutes! Do you understand? Explain these effects to people in Romania! There are minutes, not hours, not days, not years, not an eternity! The doctor said: “This is no longer medicine, what I do is medicine! It can be quantum, it can be magic but if the effects continue, it is just pure spirituality! If there is anyone who shakes hands with this humanity with God, it is the man who made this invention! ” – 10.05.2021
Petcu-Stanculet Viorica, dowsing info energetician, Constanța
Of all Davidoni products, the quantum armband is by far the most interesting object in terms of energy and information. It acts differently depending on the degree of evolution (configured structures) of the carrier, harmonizes the cerebral hemispheres, aligns the structures, and also acts as an antenna. To what? A thorough study, research on different groups of entities is needed. Until we decipher everything this regenerator does, we enjoy the special effects it generates, we are grateful that Davidoni exists and that, due to his patriotism, we have access to these incredible inventions.
Inventor Ioan Davidoni
Of the Created Whole man sees only 3%, 97% is the Eternal, Living Part, of the Created Whole, unseen by the physical eye, than in the small part of Highly Spiritualized and Initiated people.
Even though a number of devices have appeared in recent decades that can help humans measure, photograph or direct these Multilevel Existences, the knowledge rate of 97% is still very low – 20%. In 100 years it will reach 35%, in 500 years it will reach 60% and in 1000 years it will reach 80%. This percentage will never be exceeded. Man is not allowed to know the entire Multilevel Existence, consisting of 27 Existences from the Divine down.
Through powerful telescopes “incursions” were made to other solar systems, galaxies, new, super-new, among many other astronomical discoveries were found planets, satellites of the planets, asteroids, formed only of diamonds – with plasma body – green aura, gold – with plasma body – white aura, platinum – with plasma body – blue-indigo aura, silver – with plasma body – indigo-violet aura. No matter how large such a celestial body is, it only covers a range of colors in the light spectrum of the 7 basic colors: red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-purple.
To create an object that has in its structure all the 7 ranges of color in its own plasma body, in order to ensure a local harmony-2-10-100 m around the object, in order to attract the Energy from The Cosmic breath that feeds the Earth and of course everything in the Universe, is necessary to have in the composition of the object ingredients with natural energy nativity as high as possible and all ranges to be uniform in intensity, to keep in harmony the whole spectrum of light, for certain ranges even 2 ingredients must be used, which alone cannot ensure the intensity necessary for perfect harmony – measurable in the plasma body corresponding to each range. The plasma body for each range consists of subatomic particles – microlethons, toxins, biosons, leptons, krypton, neutrinos, mesons, informons, etc. As an example, from the group of mesons, the 1800th type was recently discovered, but also these subatomic particles are formed by particles not yet discovered. In the subatomic world, the speed of propagation in space is 80 million times the speed of light – is the difference between the motion of an electron in a conductor – 4m / s and the speed of propagation of electrons in a conductor – 300,000 km / sec.
From the subatomic particles were discovered approx. 30%.
Davidoni quantum products: Quantum pyramid, quantum octogram, Banderola Brain-Reconecter, etc., have a complex quantum composition, each ingredient being prepared physically, energetically and spiritually; also, each ingredient is with maximum energetic nativity, the ranges of semiprecious stones being passive and very high frequency oscillators, true spectacles of matter, other ingredients act as “grid of a triode” to stimulate the amplification of the energetic “spectacle” and the others ingredients by their purity and noble metals, are also spectacles of matter, and by establishing the optimal doses for each one, a cumulation of spectacles of matter is obtained, which leads to a state of joy of matter that enters a Hour with Information The universe and matter – man, fauna, water, vegetation – over the entire range of action-2-10-100 m, influencing and harmonizing everything in this range.
When we fly at night (or cosmonauts) we see cities lit by light bulbs, so these Entities see day and night another form of Holiday Light and Harmonization of the cracks in the Universe within the range of these Davidoni Quantum Products, definitely unique.
It is accepted by the Divine 50% to present in all Plenary the Integrity of These Gentle and Grateful Entities. They are part of Multilevel Existence 2, out of 27, they specialize in maintaining, supervising and defending Stellar Balance and Superstar. For the more than 1.2 million initial measurements in 30 years, I was helped by Entities with names described by the Great Mediums of the world, years ago. They are now present and close to the dictated products.
The clairvoyant Bety from the USA was right when she stated publicly. “The cosmos chose Davidoni to make these inventions for the harmony of man and the environment. The cosmos knows why” – January 2021
The entities present next to these products travel Hyper Luminic instantly wherever they want and know at any time what is happening anywhere. Initiates and spiritualists know what it’s all about.
- It is applied on the head for 10-20 minutes in 2-3 rounds / day, also positive effects were observed when positioning the armband on the head with 180 °. It can also be used as a knee brace, on the hips or on the spine – the armband lying on the bed.
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Customer Reviews
- Lavinia P. I received the book today, and I can’t let it go. It is fascinating what is around us and we can not see with the naked eye, but even more fascinating is that among us is a man like Mr. Davidoni. It is a gift of God for the Earth and for Romania and, I am sure, it was not by chance that he was allowed to come to this country, this being an earth loved by God. Regarding the Banderola I recently purchased, I want to tell you that in the first Theta meditation in which I wore it, when I accessed the state of Theta, my therapist said that she was amazed by the light it emanates. Banderola and that he had never seen such a strong and beautiful light before. I use it with the Golden Pyramid to create light portals in order to bring light entities to me and to help low-vibration ones, if any, to leave. My energy has increased a lot and I have a clear and clear mind. I think I’m fine with the aura now, I’m sure it’s at least blue. The main purpose for which I purchased Banderola is to learn and memorize for a difficult exam. Seeing different exercises in the book, I came up with the idea to ask you if there is such a one for memorization. Sure, only if you can answer me and I hope I didn’t bother with this question. PS: Your fertilizer has made my vegetables the envy of everyone this year. The neighbors didn’t even have flowers with them and I already had the fruits in full development. Thank you and I wish you a wonderful day. 2021
- V. B. BucureștiI took a purple armband. I wear Davidoni products almost nonstop, and at night I sleep all over myself. There is no excess of energy. I wanted to write for a long time, the effects noticed instantly, but I didn’t have time. I ordered the quantum armband among the first wishers and I want to tell you that the effect was amazing. The first night I put it on my head like a wreath and sat on the bed. EXACTLY IN ONE SECOND THE SPONTANEOUS ASTRAL DOUBLE EFFECT HAPPENED, the center of the Ajna chakra opened spontaneously and I could see in the etheric and astral plane. A purple portal opened like a sphere and my consciousness was very clear and LUCID. I felt exactly like in SF-adventure movies that, through a magic ring, translate into another world. I remembered how in the movie The Lord of the Rings, that ring as it was put on someone’s finger called it irresistible in another world (and he saw it), in the case of this quantum banner, the resonances are of course BENEFICIAL worlds, but just as fast. I first entered a predominantly vegetal world, with a lot of very tall greenery waving towards me. I happily explored those sensations in the plant world even though I didn’t understand why I designed myself there. I sensed that it was a state of regeneration, of connection with the healing energy of plants. I could feel the rustle of the plants and the breeze of a gentle breeze. Everything was very palpable and I expected to stay in that state of doubling as much as possible to explore. But I thought I wanted to fly through Nature. On the wall I had a large wallpaper with a beautiful mountain landscape and I suddenly woke up projected in that landscape. Then I felt that I was accelerating flying over the mountains and I penetrated like a rocket through a tunnel of light. I really enjoyed that flight over the tops of firs and mountain ridges and I said to myself “from now on I know how to project myself every night in this wonderful landscape”. Simply when the intense purple sphere portal opens, I give the mental command to enter it, like a high-speed train in a tunnel. That speed quickly projects me into that astral landscape, and once there I choose to fly over springs and forests. I would like to add that every night I do not part with the banner because I FEEL that it is the magic key to another realm and it creates through its structure a true personalized QUANTUM GATE. Somehow it facilitates the activation of personal energies, the spirit is happy to wear this quantum belt on his head like a magic crown. If until now I slept a few hours a night (on average 4-5 for 30 years) now I slept even less 2-3 hours a night often and I felt and worked at work like other people who sleep 7- 8 hours. SO it has definite REGENERATION effects!2021
- Ioana C. Cluj-Napoca On behalf of my mother, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. My mother started wearing Banderola Cuantica and we keep you updated on its effects on your health. May God give you health, love, and wisdom! (November 17). I’ll be back with information on my mother’s health. We will go to Tg-Mureș in January to see if we need to intervene on the aneurysm, but when the problem started, she had diplopia (distorted vision, lines, stripes, dots). He wore the Quantum Banner received from you and his eyesight improved quite a bit. However, she also had pain in her ankle (sometimes all the way to the sciatic nerve), in her spine, in her shoulders and for this the Quantum Banner helped her a lot. No more medication was needed. Now for the holidays we want to make a bigger order for the whole family. Happy holidays with health and love with your loved ones! (December 16)2021
- A. MarinBucureștiI am grateful to you and your father for the enormous good you do to humanity! My wife and I and the friends I recommended you to use the Quantum Banner daily, with extraordinary effects!2023
- Alexandra M.BucureștiI received God’s gifts! Just holding the envelope in my arms I had a moment of great emotion but also of greater gratitude. The red crown (Quantum Banner) brought me a state of calm and peace upon placing it on my head. Putting my feet on the insoles I instantly started to feel a gentle vibration through my soles. Then I lay on the bed with the spine on the magnetic belt, until I can take the ladder to expand my waist. But what surprised me in a very cool way is that when I went to pick up the girl from kindergarten I put the Quantic Banderola on my head under the headscarf, and at the meeting with my daughter’s teacher I witnessed for the first time a decent discussion (up close For 3 years she just hangs out at my place, it becomes impossible to talk to you, only reproaches and negative things, let everything be as she wants, her principles should be above the integrity of the child, etc.) – today in the afternoon the surprise was that she spoke to me more controlled and more tempered, as if something was holding her back, I just said to observe what was happening, so wow! I have no words to thank you for these wonderful gifts. Divine blessings!2023
- Cornelia T. Cluj NapocaThank you for the magneto quantum products. I received them on 5/5/2023, I was excited, I have ordered Davidoni products before, they are wonderful. Now, I took out the DESTIN book and I was amazed by the cover, I looked at it for a few seconds, then I took out the small octogram for the phone, put it on the back of the phone and left it on bed (I opened the package on the sofa, to have more space, to be able to look at them and admire them). Looking at the phone, I suddenly felt that it was very far from me and very small. I remembered what your father said in an interview that it forms like an umbilical (energy) cord between us and the phone and other devices. Big truth. I felt detached from the phone. It still feels far away and very small, even when I hold it in my hand. Next came Quantum Banner, the queen of Davidoni products, I put it on my head and immediately I felt a flow of energy going throughout my body, towards my feet, I calmed down, I was breathing longer, then the energy was moving up and down. Octograms I know what effect they have, I lost the first one I ordered, I have the second one, I keep it with me almost all the time, now I want to use two, as you explained in an interview. Thank you so much, you and dad, for all you do, I am grateful. I wish you health, all the best, success in everything you do.2023
- Mihai M. BucureștiThere will never be enough words of thanks and appreciation for the results of your work, the products made with so much love. Thank you! Please let me know if there are any differences between the magnetic strips as I have seen that you produce more colors? If there are such differences I want to discover which would be the most suitable in my case. The second question is: can the same armband be used by several people, in one day for example? Thank you! Ciprian Davidoni answers: The colors and shapes on the armband are for design only. The extraordinary effect is given by the quantum foil inside the Quantum Banner. Only at Quantum Banner we have 14 ingredients in the composite. Ideal for the Quantum Banner to be a personal energy remedy. And used only 10-15 min/day. Only in special cases more. If, however, it is desired to be used by several family members, we recommend that you energetically clean it by grounding it after each use by each person. Held on the ground for 10-20 minutes next to a tree. If the Quantum Banner is used by a sick person with more acute health problems, then we recommend that only that person use it and not borrow the product. Health! Good thoughts! Thank you very much for your message and kind thoughts! 2023
- Rodica F.CrevediaLet me tell you what I noticed about myself wearing the banner. I am an Aries, I was very impulsive, emotional, empathetic, etc. Since I’ve been wearing the armband, it’s as if stressful, irritating situations, anger don’t touch me… it’s like I’m becoming more immune to all low vibrations, to people with low vibrations… I’m definitely becoming more aware…, but I’ve also had feelings of sadness and crying, so on the table… I say releases…2024
- N. IrinaBucureștiI used the Quantum Banner for 6-7 weeks while I studied for my exams and I felt so much better!!! I felt I could relate to the determination to study another time! Yesterday I took the headband to my father (78 years old, Parkinson’s) and while I talked to him (about 4-5 hours) he kept it on his head, at my request. I no longer see the left hand tremor that was evident before (under treatment). I told him what I noticed and dad said that he still feels small spasms that I didn’t notice. For the first time I was very happy that I could be of use to him in this way. Thank you with gratitude.2024
- Gabriela P.P. SUAThat’s right, both the Quantum Banner and the Quantum Pyramids help restore the energy field. I’ve been using them for a few years already and a lot of my friends and clients do too. I gratefully thank Mr. Davidoni for his contribution in helping humanity! These products are much more than can be described now in words, they are already part of the technologies of the future. I respectfully bow!2024