The aim of this study is to test the influence of Davidoni magnetic fertilizer on wheat variety Boema.
The experiment was established in the fall of 2015 at the Moara Domnească didactic farm, Ilfov county, a farm belonging to the Belciugatele Didactic and Experimental Station within the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest.
The farm is located at a distance of 15 km from the city of Bucharest, in the geographical region “Romanian Plain”, in a transit area where there is both steppe vegetation and forest vegetation. The characteristic soil type is reddish-brown mole, with a loamy-clayey texture, low in nitrogen, medium phosphorus content, very good potassium content, slightly acidic pH, low values for humus.
Four technological variants have been established, according to the location scheme.

Placement scheme of the experimental variants 2015-2016 wheat variety Boema
The forerunner was alfalfa. The land was prepared in the summer by plowing to a depth of 25 cm. In autumn, the land was worked with a disc harrow, then followed by chemical fertilization with complex fertilizer NPK 18-46-0 – 200kg / ha, on technological variants (according to the location scheme). The incorporation of fertilizers in the soil was done through a work with the combine.
The sowing was carried out on 05.10.2015 with a seed rate of 270 kg / ha, from the Romanian variety Boema. The culture entered the winter twinned and well ended (see photo).

In the spring (31.03.2016) the wheat was chemically fertilized with ammonium nitrate 150 kg / ha and magnetically fertilized with Davidoni fertilizer 10 kg / ha on experimental variants. During the vegetation period, chemical weed control and two treatments for disease and pest control were performed on all experimental variants.

The samples were collected from the field on variants on 28.06.2016 (see photo).

The experiment was conducted in non-irrigated land conditions, but there was sufficient rainfall in the spring-summer of 2016. It should be noted that before the field sampling, about three weeks, the strong wind associated with rain led to the fall of plants in proportion. of 35 – 40%, making it difficult to collect samples. The fallen plants also influenced to some extent the final results of the variants. The data of the obtained results are entered in table 1.

From the analysis of table 1 it is found that for variant V3 where only the magnetic fertilization with Davidoni fertilizer 10 kg / ha was made, the biological production obtained (without losses by harvesting) was quite significant – 6450 kg / ha, without resorting to fertilizers. chemicals, which are much more expensive and chemically pollute the environment. It is noted that for this variant the highest MMB (mass of one thousand grains) is also obtained – 38.77g (the results regarding the baking indices for each variant fall within the attributions of Mr. Mircea Ioan Popescu).
It seems that good agricultural production can be obtained without the input of chemical fertilizers or with low intake, but the major conclusions must be drawn after several years of experimentation, conclusions that must be accompanied by an economic calculation.
As a precursor plant, alfalfa is very good, leaving the soil well supplied with nitrogen, but other plants also enter the rotation, which are commonly found in crop rotations in wheat cultivation areas in Romania.
To continue the study started in autumn 2015, wheat was sown again on the same surface (year II), and next year wheat was sown in the first year after corn, still following the response of wheat plants to magnetic fertilization compared to chemical fertilization (the same variants to which we added an unfertilized variant) and also the response to the precursor plant.